What is Protein? Plus Other Sports Nutrition & Supplements Questions
  • Our Expertise

  • 07/08/2024

  • 13 Min Read

What is Protein? Plus Other Sports Nutrition & Supplements Questions



Sports Nutrition - Frequently Asked Questions

I am new to Sports Nutrition & Protein. Where do I start?

When you exercise you push yourself harder which means that your diet needs to work harder for you as well. If you’ve ever asked yourself ‘What is Protein?’ and felt silly, don’t. Lots of people fail to see that protein is a key part of every exercisers diet needed in order to nourish working muscles and help support the maintenance, growth & development of muscle following exercise. Put simply, the more you train, the more protein that your body needs. Supplementing your diet with high quality protein helps you to get the most from your exercise.

It is important to decide on your training goal as this will determine which of our products is right for you. At Maximuscle, we have 4 colour coded Need States, each supporting a different goal. The Maximuscle Promax (red) range contains products which are focussed on building and retaining muscle tissue. 

What is Protein and why do I need it?

Protein makes up 40% of the human body (in the absence of water). Protein is needed by everyone and is an essential nutrient for the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue.

Your body is in a constant state of protein turnover so it is important that you consume enough protein throughout the day to balance this out. If you are looking to develop your muscle or simply maintain it as part of active lifestyle, your requirement for protein intake increases.

When is best time to have Protein? And how much do I need?

For healthy living, it is recommended you consume 0.8g of protein per kilogram of your bodyweight per day. However, exercise increases the demand on your body for more protein to achieve a balance and support your muscle maintenance and development following exercise.

It is recommended that when you exercise, you increase your protein intake to 1-2g of protein per kilogram you weigh, per day. Ideally the best time to consume proteins is every 2-3 hours in your meals or as part of snack in between.

After exercise, 20g of protein is recommended as the optimal dose of protein. Research has shown that this amount supports the development and growth of muscle tissue at this time, but you may wish to take more depending on your level of exercise, goal and weight.

My goal is to lose fat and not to develop huge muscles, do I need protein still?

When your activity increases, no matter what your goal, so do your protein needs. Protein is important for maintaining your lean muscle when you’re controlling your calorie intake because Lean muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore if you are looking for a more defined physique, taking protein to maintain muscle is very helpful.

What should I look for in a Protein supplement?

Protein shakes, milks or bars are ideal for after training where it can help with muscle rebuilding, but can also be handy at any time of the day where you might be struggling to find a good quality convenient source of protein. Check your product has at least 20g of quality protein to support muscle development & growth.

The choice between a shake, a ready to drink or a bar is entirely yours, so whether you are at work, at home or on-the-move, we have a product for you!

What is Promax and what is the difference between Powders, Bars & Shakes?

Promax is part of our Red, Restore range of products, a category that has been specifically designed to help you build and retain muscle tissue, perfect for new starters. Your goal may be focused on rebuilding muscle but your individual need will vary depending upon how hard you are exercising, your level of activity and the number of times you train a week.

All of the three types of product contain the same high quality protein in them however the different formats are there to suit your lifestyle and really cater for personal preference. Some people prefer to have a shaker and powder in their bags for after training whilst others find it easier to have a protein bar or ready to drink protein milk at hand for convenience.

What is Promax Milk?

Every bottle is formulated to deliver an effective 30g of protein, specifically designed to help you rebuild muscle after exercise. Protein Milk 330ml is a great tasting and convenient way to help give your muscles what they need so you are ready to go again. Promax Milk contains a blend of skimmed milk proteins, is fat free and has no added sugar. This is a great option for an on the go refreshing drink.

What are Promax Powders?

Our Promax Powders are designed to help you rebuild muscle after exercise, and is the UK’s No 1 whey protein shake to support lean muscle growth, definition and maintenance. Simply add one serve into your Maximuscle Shaker, add 200ml of cold water or milk, shake and enjoy! Easy.

What are Promax Bars?

The high quality protein found in Promax Bars nourishes working muscles, allowing them to rebuild muscle after exercise. Just like the rest of our Promax range, they contain a precise level of protein to target your body’s needs. Ideal for when you’re in a hurry or just want a change from your normal shake; Promax bars are designed to taste delicious as well!

What do the different colours of the Maxi Range stand for/mean?


This category has been specifically designed to help you build and retain muscle tissue. Your goal may be focused on rebuilding muscle but your individual need will vary depending upon how hard you are exercising, your level of activity and the number of times you train a week; irrespective we have the products to help you.

This Range would be great for you if:

  • Maintaining muscle is important to you
  • You want to develop muscle tissue
  • You require extra protein in your diet
  • You are looking for convenient nutritional support you can rely on


This category has been specifically designed to help you increase your strength & power during short bursts of high intensity training. Rather than consuming a variety of products our strength and power range offers you all the desired ingredients both to support and enhance your nutrition strategy.

This Range would be great for you if:

  • Performance is a important factor in your sport
  • You want to improve your strength & power for sport or in the gym
  • You are looking for those added ingredients - Creatine, HMB, glutamine
  • You are looking for all-in-one formulas
  • You are looking for convenient nutritional support you can rely on


This category has been specifically designed to provide the right combination of calories and muscle building protein. Ideal for those who want to increase size and mass but struggle with taking on the required higher calorie demand their daily diet requires. The number of times you exercise per week will determine which band of our products are the best for you.

This Range would be great for you if:

  • Building muscle is important to you
  • You struggle to consume enough calories to gain size
  • You are looking for convenient nutritional support you can rely on


This category has been specifically designed to help you achieve a more defined physique. The products within this range have been formulated to deliver a high protein load without the excess calories, providing you the nutrition you require to reach your goals.

This Range would be great for you if:

  • You are looking for a defined physique
  • Toning up is important to you
  • You are consuming excess calories during the day due to bad eating habits
  • You are looking for convenient nutritional support you can rely on

Why Maximuscle?

Maximuscle, the UK's number one sports nutrition brand*, prides itself on only using ingredients which are supported by extensive research. We batch test 100% of our products and have the strongest guarantee in the industry. We understand how important trust is to our customers, which is why we have worked so hard to build this over a number of years.

*Based on Nielsen volume sales data, 2016.


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