Dan's Beach Ready Challenge - Week 3-4
  • Training

  • 07/08/2024

  • 4 Min Read

Dan's Beach Ready Challenge - Week 3-4



You've made it to week 3! Don't stop there, you're almost half way!

Here's every session of weeks 3-4 of Dan Lambert's #6PackIn6Weeks Beach Ready challenge to get you started!

Don't forget to take progress pictures along the way.

In case you missed weeks 1-2, you can get started here.

Session One

Sets Reps

Superset 1 (90 sec rest after each superset):
A1) dumbbell bench press 10 10
A2) pull ups (band assisted) 10 10
Superset 2 (16 minute emom):
B1) hang clean & press (odd min) 8 10
B2) burpees over bar (even min) 8 10
Session Two
Exercise Sets Reps
Superset 1 (90 sec rest after each superset):
A1) barbell squat 10 10
A2) ab wheel roll out 10 10
Superset 2 (60 sec rest after each superset):
B1) heavy sled pull 6 20m
B2) ab wheel rollout 6 10
Session Three
Exercise Sets Reps
Superset 1 (90 sec rest after each superset):
A1) barbell overhead press 10 10
A2) laying dumbbell row 10 10
Monster set (90 sec rest after each superset):
B1) chin up (use band) 3 10
B2) box handstand press up 3 10
B3) medicine ball slam 3 10
Session Four
Exercise Sets Reps
Superset 1 (90 sec rest after each superset):
A1) deadlift 10 10
A2) dumbbell walking lunge 10 20 steps
Monster set (complete 3 rounds as fast as possible):
B1) ski erg 3 20kcal
B2) kettlebell thruster 3 10
B3) kettlebell walk in rack pos 3 20m





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